Wayne watson somewhere in the world tonight
Wayne watson somewhere in the world tonight

While my years of exposure to God’s Word, the instruction for living a Godly life, and the sometimes feeble efforts I make to that end are always on my heart and mind, there are some things I still hold to have some value. a tie that belonged to his late father-in-law.Īnd then he asked the question: “If your house was on fire or a tornado was bearing down on you, what would you grab?” and maybe take the beloved key and move it from one parking space to another. He did say he thought it would be fun to look up the current owner – providing it had yet to be made into a steel pancake – and maybe take a peek at it. He still had the key, though, as a reminder. OK! Apparently, the dream car cost more to repair and maintain that it was worth and that led to the happy day when he was rid of it. That wasn’t particularly true with my boat owning experience, but again, I don’t want to spoil a good story so. They say the best two days of a boat owner’s life are (1) the day he buys it and (2) the day he sells. Lured into the purchase, he found out what so many of us have discovered about so many things. He told us about being a young businessman, newly married and one day passing the sports car of his dreams sitting on a lot for sale at what seemed a very fair price. I can’t say I’ve ever wanted one but don’t want to spoil a good story so I’ll go along. He pulled out a car key and declared, “Every man, at some time or other, wants to own a Porsche”. It was nothing particularly fancy but it was still working and it was valuable in a sentimental sort of way. He to dug around in the guitar case some more and pulled out a watch that his wife had given him for a wedding present. She knew how much he “loved” them and presented this beauty to him one Christmas or birthday or some special occasion. The pastor’s guitar was a gift from his wife. but we just think every one (or every different one) has a new song or two in it so why not? I don’t know if a guitar player can ever justify another guitar. It was as close as it got to me becoming a classical guitarist. Another was a nylon string version that was pretty cool. Another showed up at baggage claim with the headstock (the part where the tuning keys are) dangling precariously. I just remember having it one minute and not having it the next. One was stolen from the airport in Baton Rouge, LA. At the time, I think I remember them saying the bowl was made from the same material as helicopter blades – and they sounded pretty good. Made from some high tech composite, the back was bowl-shaped and virtually indestructible.

Wayne watson somewhere in the world tonight tv#

It was an Ovation guitar and one of the first public sightings of Ovations was on the Glenn Campbell TV show back in the 70s. I recognized it because I had one sort of like it a long, long time ago. He began by pulling out a twelve string acoustic guitar. I said it was refreshing to hear him say “I love these things” because too many pastors or others caught in the spiritual spotlight would be way too pious or cautious or insecure to actually admit love for things. But on this day, we got to see inside – to catch a glimpse of some small material things that were the objects of the sermon and dear to the heart of this man. I’m pretty familiar with this guy and count him as a friend and I’m certain that the word, in this context, wouldn’t compete – wouldn’t even be considered in the same category as, say, people he loves. The subject was treasure and it was refreshing to hear him say “These are some things I love”. The pastor walked onto the platform carrying a guitar case.

Wayne watson somewhere in the world tonight